Here's a list of everyday food items with their Spanish translation and how to pronounce each Spanish food word correctly!
Keep in mind that the pronunciation of the Spanish Food Vocabulary guide below is intended to assist you in learning Latin American Spanish. In many parts of Spain, the letter "C" is pronounced differently, like the "th" sound in "thought" rather than the "s" sound as we say it in Latin America. In Spain, some items have different Spanish food names such as 'patata' for 'potato', instead of 'papa'. No worries! It's basically the same language despite some differences :-)
Additionally, in some regions of Latin America, the "LL" sound is pronounced with an "ee" sound rather than the "j" sound as in "jess".
Here are some common food words in Spanish
Spanish word for Food: Comida. Pronounced: "koh-MEE-thah".
Frutas (Fruits)
Frutas is pronounced "FROO-tah-s".
- Manzana (Apple). "Mahn-SAH-nah".
- Banana (Banana). "Bah-NAH-nah".
- Naranja (Orange). "Nah-RAHN-hah".
- Uvas (Grapes). "OO-bahs".
- Fresas (Strawberries). "FREH-sah-s".
- Arándanos (Blueberries). "Are-AHN-thah-nohs".
- Piña (Pineapple). "PEA-nyah".
- Melón (Melon). "Meh-LOHN".
- Kiwi (Kiwi). "KEY-oo-ee".
- Moras (Blackberries). "MOH-rah-s".
- Durazno (Peach). "Thoo-RAHS-noh".
- Coco (Coconut). "KOH-koh".
- Sandía (Watermelon). "Sahn-THEE-ah".
- Cerezas (Cherries). "Seh-REH-sahs".
- Frambuesas (Raspberries). "Frah-m-boo-EH-sah-s".
- Limón (Lemon). "Lee-MOHN".
- Aguacate or Palta (avocado). "Ah-goo-ah-KAH-teh" / "PAH-L-tah".
- Tomate (Tomato). "toh-MAH-teh".
Verduras (Vegetables)
Verduras is pronounced "ber-THOO-rah-s".
- Zanahoria (Carrot). "Sah-nah-OH-ryah".
- Lechuga (Lettuce). "Leh-CHOO-gah".
- Brócoli (Broccoli). "BROH-koh-lee".
- Cebolla (Onion). "Seh-BOH-jah".
- Pepino (Cucumber). "Peh-PEA-noh".
- Espinaca (Spinach). "Ehs-pea-NAH-kah".
- Calabaza (Pumpkin). "Kah-lah-BAH-sah".
- Ajo (Garlic). "AH-hoh".
- Papa (Potato). "PAH-pah".
- Arvejas (Peas). "Are-BEH-hah-s".
- Frijoles (Beans). "Free-HOH-leh-s".
- Pimiento (Pepper). "Pea-mee-EHN-toh".
- Espárragos (Asparagus). "Ehs-PAH-rrah-goh-s".
Carnes (Meats)
Carnes is pronounced "CAR-neh-s".
- Pollo (Chicken). "POH-joh".
- Carne (Beef). "CAR-neh".
- Pavo (Turkey). "PAH-boh".
- Cerdo (Pork). "SER-thoh".
- Cordero (Lamb). "Kor-THEH-roh".
Pescados y Mariscos (Fish and Seafood)
'Pescados y maricos' is pronounced "peh-s-KAH-thoh-s ee ma-REES-kohs".
- Pescado (Fish). "Pehs-KAH-thoh".
- Salmón (Salmon). "Sahl-MOH-N".
- Camarones (Shrimp). "Kah-mah-ROH-neh-s".
- Pulpo (Octopus). "POOL-poh".
- Mejillones (Mussels). "Meh-hee-JOH-neh-s".
Comida Rápida (Fast Food)
'Comida rápida' is pronounced "koh-MEE-thah RRAH-pea-thah".
- Hamburguesa (Burger). "Ahm-boor-GUEH-sah".
- Papas fritas (French fries). "PAH-pahs FREE-tahs".
- Sándwich (Sandwich). "SAH-N-dwich".
- Perrito caliente (Hot dog). "Peh-RREE-toh kah-lee-EHN-teh".
- Taco (Taco). "TAH-koh".
- Pizza (Pizza). "PEAT-sah". Some regions pronounced it "peek-sah" or "pee-sah". The "t" or "k" is slightly pronounced.
- Nuggets de Pollo (Chicken Nuggets).
- Pollo Frito (Fried Chicken). "POH-joh FREE-toh".
- Burrito (Burrito). "Boo-RREE-toh".
- Quesadilla (Quesadilla). "Keh-sah-THEE-jah".
- Aros de Cebolla (Onion Rings). "AH-roh-s theh seh-BOH-jah".
Lácteos (Dairy)
Lácteos is pronounced "LAHK-teh-ohs".
- Leche (Milk). "LEH-cheh".
- Queso (Cheese). "KEH-soh".
- Yogur (Yogurt). "joh-GOOR".
- Mantequilla or Manteca (Butter). "Mahn-teh-KEY-jah" / "Mahn-TEH-kah".
- Crema (Cream). "KREH-mah".
Pan y Cereales (Bread and Cereals)
'Pan y cereales' is pronounced "pahn ee seh-reh-AH-leh-s".
- Pan (Bread). "Pah-n".
- Cereales (Cereals). "Seh-reh-AH-leh-s".
- Arroz (Rice). "Ah-RROH-S".
- Avena (Oats). "Ah-BEH-nah".
- Trigo (Wheat). "TREE-goh".
- Maíz (Corn). "Mah-EE-S".
Bebidas (Beverages)
Bebidas is pronounced "beh-BEE-thah-s".
- Agua (Water). "AH-goo-ah".
- Café (Coffee). "Kah-FEH".
- Té (Tea). "Teh".
- Jugo (Juice). "HOO-goh".
- Refresco (Soda). "Rreh-FREH-S-koh".
- Batido or Licuado (Smoothie). "Bah-TEA-thoh" / "Lee-KWAH-thoh".
Other Common Food
- Sopa (Soup). "SOH-pah".
- Huevo (Egg). "Oo-EH-boh".
- Pasta (Pasta). "PAH-S-tah".
- Noodles (Fideos). "Fee-THEH-oh-s".
- Ensalada (Salad). "Ehn-sah-LAH-thah".
- Puré de papas (Mashed potatoes). "Poo-REH theh PAH-pahs".
- Mermelada (Jam). "Mer-meh-LAH-thah".
- Panqueques (Pancakes). "Pahn-KEH-kehs".
- Almendras (Almonds). "Ahl-MEH-N-drah-s".
Postres (Desserts)
Postres is pronounced "POH-S-treh-s".
- Helado (Ice Cream). "Eh-LAH-thoh".
- Pastel or Torta (Cake). "Pahs-TEH-L" / "TOR-tah".
- Galletas (Cookies). "Gah-JEH-tah-s".
- Flan (Caramel Custard). "Flah-n".
- Chocolate (Chocolate). "Choh-koh-LAH-teh".
- Dulces or golosinas (Candies). "THOOL-seh-s" / "Goh-loh-SEE-nahs".
Condimentos (Condiments)
Condimentos is pronounced "kohn-thee-MEH-N-toh-s".
- Sal (Salt). "Sahl".
- Aceite (Oil). "Ah-SEH-ee-teh".
- Pimienta (Pepper). "Pea-mee-EHN-tah".
- Vinagre (Vinegar). "Bee-NAH-greh".
- Miel (Honey). "Mee-EHL".
- Mayonesa (Mayonnaise). "Mah-joh-NEH-sah".
- Mostaza (Mustard). "Mohs-TAH-sah".
Whether you're enjoying a 'taco' with friends, sipping a 'café' on a sunny day, or indulging in 'chocolate' for a sweet treat, learning these Spanish food vocabulary words opens doors to culinary adventures!
¡Buen provecho! (Bon appetite!) and 'disfruta' (enjoy) every bite!
¡Hasta pronto! (See you soon!).
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