Educational Music Video to learn the Basic Colors (Red, Blue, Yellow and Green) in Spanish by a Native Spanish speaker with lyrics below!
The following song will help your kids learn the 4 basic colors in Spanish in a fun way. The song has an easy language for toddlers and preschoolers to teach them the name of those colors. It includes basic Spanish phrases to help them associate each color with an element.
Red in Spanish = ROJO (pronounced as "roh-hoh").
Blue in Spanish = AZUL (pronounced as "ah-sool").
Yellow in Spanish = AMARILLO (pronounced as "ah-mah-ree-joh").
Green in Spanish = VERDE (pronounced as "ber-theh").
Download printables below!
Good to Know about the Colors:
- The word "color" is also known as "colour" depending on where you are! "Color" is used in the USA.
- Red, blue and yellow are Primary Colors (the most basic colors).
- Green is a secondary color (a secondary color is the result of mixing 2 primary colors).
- The color "Amarillo" (yellow) is pronounced slightly different in some Hispanic countries where they pronounce the "ll" a bit different with the English "ee" sound.
- Many children start learning colors during preschool. Color recognition is an important component in their cognitive development. Use this song as a complimentary activity to learn colors among other things you can do such as: painting, playing with playdough mixing some colors, having conversations about color (what colors do they see in their room, their food, clothing, pick up all the toys that have the color "red", etc.).
- Keep in mind that the little ones don't have the ability to understand that light green and dark green are both green.
The world is full of colors so embrace it to learn colors :-)
Colors in Spanish: Rojo-Red, Azul-Blue, Amarillo-Yellow, Verde-Green
Learn more Spanish colors with this other video: Naranja (Orange), Rosa (Pink), Morado (Purple), Marrón (Brown), Gris (Gray).
Lyrics: Colors Song in Spanish
Rojo, red. Rojo, red.
Azul, blue. Azul, blue.
Amarillo, yellow. Amarillo, yellow.
Verde, green. Verde, green.
¿Qué es rojo? What is red?
¿Qué es rojo?
El tomate es rojo,
The tomato is red.
¿Qué es azul?
El cielo es azul,
The sky is blue.
¿Qué es amarillo?
El sol es amarillo,
The sun is yellow.
¿Qué es verde?
El árbol es verde,
The tree is green.
Rojo, red. Rojo, red.
Azul, blue. Azul, blue.
Amarillo, yellow. Amarillo, yellow.
Verde, green. Verde, green.
Music Arrangement: Jesica Levi.
- Download Printable HERE.
- 11 Basic Colors in Spanish and English: Pack of 3 Pages.
- List of the 11 Basic Colors in Spanish for Children: 1 Page with Colors in Circles.
- 10 Colors with Elements and Bilingual Sentences with Spanish masculine and feminine words (UN vs. UNA): 4 Pages.
Keep learning Spanish in a fun way :)
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Spanish Songs for Kids