A short list of some great books that help explain the Coronavirus Pandemic to little kids! It's important to talk to them about what's happening around us. Storytelling can help you achieve that in a fun way!
Kids have heard about the coronavirus pandemic and they've probably seen many people wearing face masks and spending more time at home practicing social distancing.
The World Health Organization advices parents and caregivers to:
- Try answering questions instead of giving too much information.
- Let them talk about their worries. Ask them how they feel.
- Focus on what they can do to keep safe: how to wash their hands or sneeze appropriately.
- Manage your own anxiety. Take your time to calm down before talking to your child about the pandemic.
Check these great COVID-19 Books to read together with your kids!
The Protective Child Against King Virus
A wonderful short story with nice illustrations by Perinatal Psychologist Guadalupe Del Canto.
- Click here for the ENGLISH version.
- Click here for the SPANISH version.
- For other languages available (French, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, Deutsch) click here.
Book by Manuela Molina. Her short book explains Coronavirus in an entertaining & educational way and is available in many languages! You can print it so children can draw it and read it together with you or read it online!
The author reminds us that "emotions are processed through repetitive play and stories read multiple times".
- For children under 7. A tool based on fantasy.
- Click here to view the story in full size in ENGLISH.
- Click here to read the story in SPANISH.
- Available in many other languages here.
MY HERO IS YOU: How Kids Can Fight COVID-19
Fun book available in many different languages! It's recommended that an adult read the story together with the children.
A book for children around the world affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
"This book was a project developed by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (IASC MHPSS RG). The project was supported by global, regional and country based experts from Member Agencies of the IASC MHPSS RG, in addition to parents, caregivers, teachers and children in 104 countries".
- Click here to view the book in ENGLISH.
- Click here to view the book in SPANISH.
UNICEF: Talking about CORONAVIRUS with Young Children
- Click here to print & view in ENGLISH.
- Click here to print & view in SPANISH.
Stay safe :)
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