Learn the Spanish Version of the classic Itsy Bitsy Spider Song! A classic nursery rhyme that kids love. This fingerplay song will help kids learn Spanish by associating each phrase with an action in a fun and sticky way!
Why are fingerplay songs important in early development?
Fingerplay helps children to develop skills like fine motor co-ordination, follow directions and it helps them learn the language in a fun way! Fingerplay songs get toddlers to listen, speak, and pair words with actions.
It’s good if one adult is present to help the child with the movements. Execution will eventually improve. The important thing is that they get engaged in the learning process. Plus, they're usually unaware that they aren't doing the movements "correctly", so don't worry about this!
This version of Itsy Bitsy Spider in Spanish will help you learn the opposites:
- small and big (pequeño y grande),
- slow and fast (lento y rápido).
This version has common Spanish words and phrases that are used in Spanish all the time.
Pequeña vs. Pequeñita:
Please note: the adjective "small" in Spanish is "pequeño" for masculine words or "pequeña" for feminine words. However, when we say "pequeñita" or "pequeñito" it means that is very small, tiny, and sometimes cute too. To create the diminutive form in Spanish we add "ito" or "ita" at the end of the word and by also dropping the last letter of the word. Example: in the word "pequeña" we drop the "a" and add "ita" to say "pequeñita".
Itsy Bitsy Spider in Spanish - Fingerplay Song
Lyrics: La Araña Pequeñita (Itsy Bitsy Spider in Spanish)
Translation in Spanish and English.
Araña, Spider
Subió, Went Up
Lluvia, Rain
Sol, Sun
La araña pequeñita subió, subió, subió.
(The very little spider went up, went up, went up).
Vino la lluvia y se la llevó.
(The rain came and took her out).
Salió el sol y se secó la lluvia
(The sun came out and the rain dried).
Y la araña pequeñita otra vez subió
(And the little spider went up again).
La araña grande (the big spider)
Grande = Big
La araña grande subió, subió, subió,
Vino la lluvia y se la llevó,
Salió el sol, y se secó la lluvia,
Y la araña grande otra vez subió.
La araña lenta (the slow spider)
Lenta = Slow
La araña lenta subió, subió, subió,
Vino la lluvia y se la llevó,
Salió el sol, y se secó la lluvia,
Y la araña lenta otra vez subió.
La araña rápida (the fast spider)
La araña rápida subió, subió, subió,
Vino la lluvia y se la llevó,
Salió el sol, y se secó la lluvia,
Y la araña rápida otra vez subió.
Music Arrangement: Jesica Levi.
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