Months of the Year in Spanish - Los Meses del Año

Months of the Year in Spanish: Video, Lyrics, Info & More

May 04, 2021

Learn the 12 Months of the Year in Spanish by a Native Spanish speaker! This song has the names of each month in Spanish and English at first (a bilingual part) and then it continues all in Spanish with repetition parts to help you learn the Spanish months!

Did you know that music plays a very important role in learning a language? It's sticky and it helps with memorization and pronunciation among other things. Learn Spanish in a fun way! Lyrics below!

The months of the year in Spanish and English & how to pronounce them in Spanish.

  1. ENERO = JANUARY. Pronounced: eh-NEH-roh.
  2. FEBRERO = FEBRUARY. Pronounced: feh-BRE-roh.
  3. MARZO = MARCH. Pronounced: MAR-soh.
  4. ABRIL = APRIL. Pronounced: ah-BREEL.
  5. MAYO = MAY. Pronounced: MAH-joh.
  6. JUNIO = JUNE. Pronounced: HOO-nee-oh.
  7. JULIO = JULY. Pronounced: HOO-lee-oh.
  8. AGOSTO = AUGUST. Pronounced: ah-GOH-s-toh.
  9. SEPTIEMBRE = SEPTEMBER. Pronounced: sep-tea-EM-breh.
  10. OCTUBRE = OCTOBER. Pronounced: oh-k-TOO-breh.
  11. NOVIEMBRE = NOVEMBER. Pronounced: noh-bee-EM-breh.
  12. DICIEMBRE = DECEMBER. Pronounced: thee-see-EM-breh.

Are the months in Spanish capitalized?

Yes and no! It's the same situation as the days of the week in Spanish. The months of the year and the days in Spanish are never capitalized when they are written in the middle of a sentence, but this doesn't mean that they are never capitalized! EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE: when a month is part of a historical date, a name, or a festivity like in "Plaza de Mayo" (a historical landmark in Argentina) it's always capitalized even if it's written in the middle of a sentence.

The months in Spanish are capitalized when they are at the beginning of the text or after a period. If they are at the beginning of a title they are capitalized too! Keep in mind that sometimes a title or even a phrase can go written using all caps.

If the month is written on its own without any other text or punctuation and it isn't part of a title either, it can go written all in lower case, with an initial capital, or in all caps.

Months of the Year Song in Spanish

Lyrics: Los Doce Meses del Año (The Twelve Months of the Year)

Los doce meses del año = The twelve months of the year.

Enero = January
Febrero = February
Marzo = March
Abril = April
Mayo = May
Junio = June
Julio = July
Agosto = August
Septiembre = September
Octubre = October
Noviembre = November
Diciembre = December

Canta después de mí (sing after me)

Enero, febrero. Enero, febrero.
Marzo, abril. Marzo, abril.
Mayo, junio, julio. Mayo, junio, julio.
Agosto, septiembre. Agosto, septiembre.
Octubre, noviembre. Octubre, noviembre.
Diciembre, diciembre.
Son los doce meses del año.
Son los doce meses del año.

Vamos juntos (let's go together).

Enero, febrero, marzo, abril,
mayo, junio, julio,
agosto, septiembre,
octubre, noviembre y diciembre,
son los doce meses del año.

Vamos otra vez (let's go again).

Enero, febrero, marzo, abril,
mayo, junio, julio,
agosto, septiembre,
octubre, noviembre y diciembre,
son los doce meses del año.

Music Arrangement: Jesica Levi.

Months of the Year in Spanish LYRICS - Los Meses del Año

Download Lyrics here!



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