Spanish Numbers: Names and How to Pronounce Each Spanish Number

Spanish Numbers: Names and Pronunciation - Videos and FREE Printables

January 25, 2021

Learn the Spanish numbers by name and how to pronounce each number. Videos to learn to count from 1 to 10, from 11 to 20, from 10 to 100 by 10s in Spanish and free printables below!

Spanish Numbers 0 to 20 - How is each Spanish number pronounced:

0 - cero. Pronounced "SEH-roh".
1 - uno. Pronounced "OO-noh".
2 - dos. Pronounced "thoh-s".
3 - tres. Pronounced "treh-s".
4 - cuatro. Pronounced "koo-AH-troh".
5 - cinco. Pronounced "SEEN-koh".
6 - seis. Pronounced "SAY-s".
7 - siete. Pronounced "see-EH-teh".
8 - ocho. Pronounced "OH-choh".
9 - nueve. Pronounced "noo-EH-beh".
10 - diez. Pronounced "thee-EH-s".
11 - once. Pronounced "OH-n-seh".
12 - doce. Pronounced "THOH-seh".
13 - trece. Pronounced "TREH-seh".
14 - catorce. Pronounced "kah-TOR-seh".
15 - quince. Pronounced "KEEN-seh".
16 - dieciséis. Pronounced "thee-eh-see-SAY-s".
17 - diecisiete. Pronounced "thee-eh-see-see-EH-teh".
18 - dieciocho. Pronounced "thee-eh-see-OH-choh".
19 - diecinueve. Pronounced "thee-eh-see-noo-EH-beh".
20 - veinte. Pronounced "BEH-ee-n-teh".

Count from 1 to 10 in Spanish

Count from 11 to 20 in Spanish

Count from 10 to 100 by 10s in Spanish

Spanish Numbers from 10 to 100 by 10s:
10 - diez. Pronounced "thee-EH-S".
20 - veinte. Pronounced "BAY-n-teh".
30 - treinta. Pronounced "TRAY-n-tah".
40 - cuarenta. Pronounced "koo-are-EH-n-tah".
50 - cincuenta. Pronounced "seen-koo-EH-n-tah".
60 - sesenta. Pronounced "seh-SEH-n-tah".
70 - setenta. Pronounced "seh-TENt-ah.
80 - ochenta. Pronounced "oh-CHEH-n-tah".
90 - noventa. Pronounced "noh-BENT-ah".
100 - cien. Pronounced "see-EH-n".

Free Printables to Learn the Spanish Numbers



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