Seasons of the Year in Spanish Song and Lyrics

Seasons of the Year in Spanish: Video, Lyrics, Info, and Free Printables!

October 04, 2023

Learn the Four Seasons of the Year in Spanish (Las Cuatro Estaciones del Año) and the most common phrases we say in Spanish all the time when each season arrives! The 4 Seasons: Invierno (Winter), Primavera (Spring), Verano (Summer), and Otoño (Fall).

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Good to Know About the Spanish Seasons

Autumn vs. Fall

In English "otoño" can be called "Fall" or "Autumn" depending on the country. In the USA it's typically called "Fall" and in the UK "Autumn". 

Are the Spanish Seasons Capitalized?

The seasons of the year in Spanish are only capitalized at the beginning of a text or after a period (same as the days of the week and months of the year). Keep in mind that if the season is written as a title it's capitalized too.

The seasons of the year in Spanish are never capitalized when they are written in the middle of a sentence except if the season is part of a historical date, a festivity, or a name.

The Use of the Definite Article: "EL" or "LA"

The Spanish translation of each season of the year is:
Invierno = Winter. Pronounced as "een-bee-ER-noh".
Primavera = Spring. Pronounced as "pree-mah-BEH-rah".
Verano = Summer. Pronounced as "beh-RAH-noh".
Otoño = Fall (or Autumn). Pronounced as "oh-TOH-nyoh".

However, in Spanish sometimes we refer to each season by saying first "el" or "la" (as it happens with many other Spanish words / nouns):
El invierno = Winter.
La primavera = Spring.
El verano = Summer.
El otoño = Fall.

The Spanish translation of "el" and "la" is "the" even though many times in English you just say the noun without saying "the". The definite article "el" is used on masculine words usually ending with "o", and the definite article "la" is used on feminine words usually ending with "a". But as always, there are exceptions to this rule for some Spanish words but let's keep the focus on the seasons of the year now, the core of this post ;-)

The reason why you may see in some Spanish translations "Winter" translated as "el invierno" is because they are adding the definite article into the translation. I don't think this is 100% accurate since we don't translate the word "winter" as "el invierno" every single time we are saying something with "invierno". Even though adding "la" or "el" is correct depending on the context, there are other times in which we don't say "el" or "la" when we are talking about the Spanish seasons. EXAMPLES:

Example 1: En invierno hace frío (in Winter it's cold).
Example 2: Estamos en otoño (Fall is here).
Example 3: ¿Cuándo es verano en Argentina? (When is summer in Argentina?).
Example 4: ¡Qué lindo día de verano! (What a nice summer day!).
Example 5: ¡Parece verano! (It looks like summer!).

When is Summer in Latin American Countries?
Several Latin American countries are located in the Southern Hemisphere. These countries are situated below the equator, which means their seasons are opposite to those in the Northern Hemisphere. So when it's summer in Mexico, it's winter in Argentina.

Some of the Latin American countries located in the Northern Hemisphere include:

  1. Mexico
  2. Cuba
  3. Dominican Republic
  4. Haiti
  5. Jamaica
  6. Puerto Rico (a U.S. territory)
  7. Honduras
  8. El Salvador
  9. Guatemala
  10. Belize

In Latin American countries located in the Northern Hemisphere, the seasons typically fall in the following months:

In most of Latin America, winter falls between December and February. However, keep in mind that the northern regions, closer to the equator, have milder temperature variations and may not experience a traditional winter season.

Spring in the Northern Hemisphere countries typically occurs from March to May. Again, this varies by location, with regions closer to the equator experiencing less distinct seasonal changes.

Summer takes place from June to August in many Latin American countries in the Northern Hemisphere. Coastal areas may have a longer summer season, and highland regions can experience cooler temperatures even in summer.

Autumn falls between September and November in most Latin American countries. Like other seasons, the timing and characteristics of autumn can vary by region.

Some of the Latin American countries located in the Southern Hemisphere include:

  1. Argentina
  2. Chile
  3. Uruguay
  4. Brazil (partly)
  5. Paraguay (partly)
  6. Bolivia (partly)

In Latin American countries located in the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons typically fall in the following months:

Winter falls between June and August.

Spring typically occurs from September to November.

Summer takes place from December to February.

Autumn falls between March and May.

Seasons of the Year in Spanish Song

Lyrics: Las Estaciones del Año (The Seasons of the Year)

Las estaciones del año = The seasons of the year.
El invierno, la primavera, el verano y el otoño. (Winter, spring, summer and fall).

Invierno = Winter. Invierno = Winter.
Primavera = Spring. Primavera = Spring.
Verano = Summer. Verano = Summer.
Otoño = Fall. Otoño = Fall.

Las estaciones del año.
Las estaciones del año.

Canta conmigo (sing with me).

Invierno, Winter. Invierno, Winter.
Primavera, Spring. Primavera, Spring.
Verano, Summer. Verano, Summer.
Otoño, Fall. Otoño, Fall.

Las estaciones del año.
Las estaciones del año.

¿Qué pasa en cada estación?
(What happens in each season?)

Escucha primero (listen first)

En invierno hace frío = In Winter it's cold.
En la primavera nacen las flores = In Spring the flowers bloom.
En verano hace calor = In Summer it's hot.
Y en otoño caen las hojas = And in Autumn the leaves fall.

Conmigo (with me)

En invierno hace frío. En invierno hace frío.
En la primavera nacen las flores. En la primavera nacen las flores.
En verano hace calor. En verano hace calor.
Y en otoño caen las hojas. Y en otoño caen las hojas.
Las estaciones del año. Las estaciones del año.

Una más (one more)

Invierno, Winter. Invierno, Winter.
Primavera, Spring. Primavera, Spring.
Verano, Summer. Verano, Summer.
Otoño, Fall. Otoño, Fall.

Songwriter: Jesica Levi.

Seasons of the Year Song in Spanish - LYRICS

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